Speak insightful words [4:63]

blog Apr 09, 2023

Here is today's reflection from the Quran:

"These are they of whom Allah knows what is in their hearts; therefore, turn aside from them and admonish them, and speak to them about their souls with penetrating words." [Quran 4:63]

The verse from Sura Nisa teaches the Holy Prophet (saw) how to deal with the hypocrites - those who professed belief with their tongues but harboured resentment and ill will towards the Prophet (saw). They were perhaps the most challenging enemy that he dealt with because they posed as friends and used covert means rather than open warfare to try and derail his mission.

The Prophet (saw) is instructed to turn away from these disbelievers.

-that is, to avoid openly punishing them. Instead, he is to admonish them and seek to persuade them with penetrating words rather than confronting them aggressively with force.

Scholars explain that turning away here may also mean to refuse to accept their excuses. Instead, he is to politely but firmly speak to them with Qawlan Baleegha, penetrating words, words that have the impact of reaching their very souls because of their clarity and decisiveness.

This verse is a great example of how to deal with people who use deviousness, wiles and unworthy tactics in communication to bully, intimidate or work against the good. It may not be effective to confront them on their lies openly, since they are likely to deny and will not accept responsibility for their words or actions.

But this does not mean that we accept their excuses or their aggression. We need to speak with confidence, insight and authority about what we believe in. We must not allow our politeness and respect for others to be mistaken for weakness or fear.

When dealing with those who are openly aggressive towards us, it is a good idea to keep some things in mind:

  1. Do your homework on the issue - you need to know their side of the story and be clear on what you are standing for and why
  2. Keep yourself grounded through the conversation. This is not the time to show vulnerability by being emotional
  3. Practice beforehand
  4. Know the law of the land and use that to make your point.

Those of us who live in the first world have laws and regulations that protect us against discrimination and hate speech.

  1. Always stay polite and firm
  2. Get help and support from organizations that exist to support.

In Canada for example, NCCM does wonderful work in advocating for equity and justice and following up on incidences of Islamophobia.

In this climate of Islamophobia, hate-mongering and political polarization, let us practice using Qawlan Baleegha to stand up for ourselves with respect and dignity.


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